

  1. Murakami, A. (under contract). Corpus linguistics for second language acquisition. Oxon: Routledge.


  1. Grieve, J., Bartl, S., Fuoli, M., Grafmiller, J., Huang, W., Jawerbaum, A., Murakami, A., Perlman, M., Roemling, D., & Winter, B. (2024). The sociolinguistic foundations of language modeling. arXiv. [link]
  2. Huang, W., Murakami, A., & Grieve, J. (2024). ALMs: Authorial language models for authorship attribution. arXiv. [link]

Journal publications

  1. Sasaki, M., Mizumoto, A., & Murakami, A. (2024). Developmental trajectories of multicompetent writers: An ecological-historical approach to L1/L2 writing abilities and L2 proficiency. Journal of European Second Language Association, 8(1), 114–130. doi: 10.22599/jesla.109 [link, open access] [data and code]
  2. Hiver, P., Al-Hoorie, A. H., & Murakami, A. (2024). Modeling the effects of task repetition in L2 writing: Examining inter-and intra-individual variability. Language Learning. doi: 10.1111/lang.12670 [link, open access] [data and code]
  3. Shatz, I., Alexopoulou, T., & Murakami, A. (2024). The potential influence of crosslinguistic lexical similarity on lexical diversity in L2 English writing. Corpora, 19(2), 131–156. doi: 10.1017/S026144482300023X [link] [accepted manuscript] [data and code]
  4. Li, S., Prior, M., Nero, S., Hiver, P., Al-Hoorie, A., Murakami, A., Wei, L., & Ortega, L. (2023). Methodological innovation in applied linguistics research: Perspectives, strategies, and trends. Language Teaching, 56(4), 551-556. doi: 10.1017/S026144482300023X [link]
  5. Shatz, I., Alexopoulou, T., & Murakami, A. (2023). Examining the potential influence of crosslinguistic lexical similarity on word-choice transfer in L2 English. PLOS ONE, 18(2), e0281137. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0281137 [link, open access] [data and R code]
  6. Murakami, A., & Ellis, N. C. (2022). Effects of availability, contingency, and formulaicity on the accuracy of English grammatical morphemes in second language writing. Language Learning, 72(4), 899–940. doi: 10.1111/lang.12500 [link, open access] [data and R code, also available through IRIS] [Figure 3 with 95% CIs correctly displayedFigures S5.1-S5.4 with histograms]
  7. Rastelli, S., & Murakami, A. (2022). Apparently identical verbs can be represented differently. Comparing L1-L2 inflection with contingency-based measure ΔP. Corpora, 17(1), 97–121. doi: 10.3366/cor.2022.0236. [link] [accepted manuscript] [data and R code]
  8. Huang, Y., Murakami, A., Alexopoulou, T., & Korhonen, A. (2021). Subcategorization frame identification for learner English. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 26(2), 187–218. doi: 10.1075/ijcl.18097.hua [link] [tool]
  9. Saito, K., Macmillan, K., Mai, T., Suzukida, Y., Sun, H., Magne, V., Ilkan, M., & Murakami, A. (2020). Developing, analyzing and sharing multivariate datasets: Individual differences in L2 learning revisited. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 40, 9–25. doi: 10.1017/S0267190520000045 [link] [accepted manuscript] [data] [R code] [supporting information]
  10. Michel, M., Murakami, A., Alexopoulou, T., & Meurers, D. (2019). Effects of task type on morphosyntactic complexity across proficiency: Evidence from a large learner corpus of A1 to C2 writings. Instructed Second Language Acquisition, 3(2), 124–152. doi: 10.1558/isla.38248 [link, open access] [Recipient of the 2021 Best Article Award by the International Association for Task-Based Language Teaching (IATBLT)]
  11. Grieve, J., Montgomery, C., Nini, A., Murakami, A., & Guo, D. (2019). Mapping lexical dialect variation in British English using Twitter. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2(11). doi: 10.3389/frai.2019.00011 [link, open access] [data and R code]
  12. Huang, Y., Murakami, A., Alexopoulou, T., & Korhonen, A. (2018). Dependency parsing of learner English. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 23(1), 28–54. doi: 10.1075/ijcl.16080.hua [link] [accepted manuscript]
  13. Sasaki, M., Mizumoto, A., & Murakami, A. (2018). Developmental trajectories in L2 writing strategy use: A self-regulation perspective. The Modern Language Journal, 102(2), 292–309. doi: 10.1111/modl.12469 [link] [data and R code]
  14. Majewska, O., Vulić, I., McCarthy, D., Huang, Y., Murakami, A., Laippala, V., & Korhonen, A. (2018). Investigating the cross-lingual translatability of VerbNet-style classification. Language Resources and Evaluation, 52(3), 771–799. doi: 10.1007/s10579-017-9403-x [link, open access]
  15. Alexopoulou, T., Michel, M., Murakami, A., & Meurers, D. (2017). Task effects on linguistic complexity and accuracy: A large-scale learner corpus analysis employing Natural Language Processing techniques. Language Learning, 67(S1), 180–208. doi: 10.1111/lang.12232 [link] [accepted manuscript]
  16. Murakami, A., Thompson, P., Hunston, S., & Vajn, D. (2017). ‘What is this corpus about?’ Using topic modelling to explore a specialised corpus. Corpora, 12(2), 243–277. doi: 10.3366/cor.2017.0118 [link, open access]
  17. Thompson, P., Hunston, S., Murakami, A., & Vajn, D. (2017). Multi-Dimensional Analysis, text constellations, and interdisciplinary discourse. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 22(2), 153–186. doi: 10.1075/ijcl.22.2.01tho [link] [accepted manuscript]
  18. Murakami, A. (2016). Modeling systematicity and individuality in nonlinear second language development: The case of English grammatical morphemes. Language Learning, 66(4), 834–871. doi: 10.1111/lang.12166 [link] [accepted manuscript] [data and R code]
  19. Murakami, A., & Alexopoulou, T. (2016). L1 influence on the acquisition order of English grammatical morphemes: A learner corpus study. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 38(3), 365–401. doi: 10.1017/S0272263115000352 [link] [accepted manuscript] [Recipient of the 2016 Albert Valdman Award for outstanding publication of the year in SSLA]

Contributions to edited volumes

  1. Alexopoulou, T., Meurers, D., & Murakami, A. (2022). Big Data in SLA: Advances in methodology and analysis. In N. Ziegeler & M. González-Lloret (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition and technology (pp. 92-106). New York, NY: Routledge. [accepted manuscript]
  2. *In’nami, Y., & *Murakami, A. (2021). Statistical modelling of SLA theories: Connecting test performance to construct. In P. Winke & T. Brunfaut (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition and language testing (pp. 445-456). Oxon: Routledge. [publisher, Amazon UK] * = Co-first authors
  3. Murakami, A. (2020). On the sample size required to identify the longitudinal L2 development of complexity and accuracy indices. In W. Lowie, M. Michel, A. Rousse-Malpat, M. Keijzer, & R. Steinkrauss (Eds.), Usage-based dynamics in second language development (pp. 20-49). Bristol: Multilingual Matters. [publisher, Amazon UK]
  4. Salamoura, A., Littlemore, J., Murakami, A., & Jaworska, S. (2015). Directions in English Profile research. In. J. Harrison & F. Baker (Eds.), English Profile in practice (pp. 106-119). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [publisher, Amazon UK]
  5. 村上明 (2013). 研究例1: 基準特性の抽出. 投野由紀夫・金子朝子・杉浦正利・和泉絵美(編)『英語学習者コーパス活用ハンドブック』大修館書店、pp. 147-155 [Murakami, A. (2013). Example study 1: Extracting criterial features. In Y. Tono, T. Kaneko, M. Sugiura, & E. Izumi (Eds.), A handbook of exploiting English learner corpora (pp. 147-155). Tokyo: Taishukanshoten.] [publisher, Amazon JP]

Contributions to conference proceedings

  1. Murakami, A., & Alexopoulou, T. (2016). Longitudinal L2 development of the English article in individual learners. In A. Papafragou, D. Grodner, J. Trueswell, & D. Mirman (Eds.), Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1050-1055). Philadelphia, PA: Cognitive Science Society. [link]
  2. Murakami, A. (2013). Cross-linguistic influence on the accuracy order of L2 English grammatical morphemes. In S. Granger, S. Gaëtanelle, & F. Meunier (Eds.), Twenty years of learner corpus research: Looking back, moving ahead. Corpora and language in use – Proceedings 1 (pp. 325-334). Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses universitaires de Louvain. [publisher, Amazon, accepted manuscript]
  3. Murakami, A. (2009). A corpus-based study of English textbooks in Japan and Asian countries: Multidimensional approach. Proceedings of the International Conference on Multi-Development and Application of Languages and Linguistics [CD-ROM] [full paper].


  1. Murakami, A., Hunston, S., & Thompson, P. (2024). Contextualising topic models in corpus linguistics: Opportunities and challenges. Discourse Studies.
  2. Murakami, A. (2024). Review of Leńko-Szymańska & Götz (2022): Complexity, accuracy and fluency in learner corpus research. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research. doi: 10.1075/ijlcr.00048.mur [link, open access]

PhD thesis

  1. Murakami, A. (2014). Individual variation and the role of L1 in the L2 development of English grammatical morphemes: Insights from learner corpora. PhD thesis. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom [link]

Plenary speeches

  1. 村上明 (2021年6月).学習者コーパスに基づくL2英語文法形態素発達研究:多要因分析と縦断的研究. 外国語教育メディア学会関西支部春季研究大会. オンライン開催 [Murakami, A. (2021, June). Learner-corpus-based research on the L2 development of English grammatical morphemes: Multifactorial analyses and longitudinal research. Presented at the Kansai Charter of Japan Association for Language Education and Technology, Virtual Conference.]
  2. Murakami, A. (2019, November). Systematicity and variability in the L2 development of English grammatical morphemes: Insights from learner corpora. Presented at Tense, Aspect and Modality in L2 (TAML2), University of Huelva, Huelva, Spain.

Conference presentations

  1. Murakami, A., Terai, M., Tamura, Y., & Fukuta, J. (2024, September). Proficiency-dependent factors influencing L2 dative alternation. To be presented at Learner Corpus Research 2024, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
  2. Miki, N., & Murakami, A. (2024, September). Navigating the complexity of causality annotation in learner language. To be presented at Learner Corpus Research 2024, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
  3. Huang, W., & Murakami, A. (2024, July). L1 Influence on the word acquisition order in L2 English: Insights from a large language model. To be presented at the 16th Teaching and Language Corpora conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester
  4. Huang, W., Murakami, A., & Grieve, J. (2024, June). Authorship attribution in a forensic context via large language model perplexity. To be presented at European Conference of the International Association for Forensic & Legal Linguistics, Aston University, Birmingham
  5. Hiver, P., Murakami, A., & Al-Hoorie, A. H. (2024, March). Location-scale regression modeling in L2 research: An applied case study using lexical sophistication. Presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Hyatt Regency Hotel Houston, Houston, TX.
  6. Bartl, S., Grieve, J., Grafmiller, J., & Murakami, A. (2023, September). Which is bigger: Switzerland or Chad? Modeling size variation in country embeddings. Presented at the 3rd Workshop on Computational Linguistics for the Political and Social Sciences (CPSS), Ingolstadt, Germany
  7. Fukuta, J., Murakami, A., Terai, M., & Tamura, Y. (2023, August-September). Developmentally moderated factors influencing the L2 production of English dative construction: A learner corpus study. Presented at EuroSLA 32, University of Birmingham, Birmingham
  8. Murakami, A. (2023, July). Regional differences in the topic of second language acquisition research between 1970 and 2020: A topic modeling approach. Presented at AILA World Congress, the ENS Campus, Lyon, France
  9. Murakami, A. (2023, March). Where have we been and where are we now? Topic modeling of SLA research articles. Presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront, Portland, OR.
  10. Römer, U., Michel, M., Murakami, A., & Alexopoulou, T. (2023, March). Formulaic sequences in L2 writing development: The role of intra-sequence variability and productivity. Presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront, Portland, OR.
  11. Hiver, P., Al-Hoorie, A. H., & Murakami, A. (2023, March). Methodological innovations in studying complex systems in applied linguistics. Presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront, Portland, OR.
  12. Murakami, A. (2022, September). Towards more appropriate modeling of (and with) linguistic complexity indices. Presented at Learner Corpus Research 2022, University of Padua, Padua, Italy
  13. Michel, M., Murakami, A., Römer, U., & Alexopoulou, T. (2022, August). Do formulaic sequences mask proficiency? Considering evidence from a large learner corpus. Presented at EUROSLA 31, University of Fribourg, Fribourg/Freiburg, Switzerland
  14. Murakami, A., Römer, U., Michel, M., & Alexopoulou, T. (2022, July). Do formulaic sequences mask proficiency? Considering evidence from a large learner corpus. Presented at ICAME 43, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
  15. Hiver, P., Al-Hoorie, A. H., & Murakami, A. (2021, August). Modeling nonlinearity and systematic variability in second language complexity. Presented at Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée (AILA), Virtual Conference
  16. Shatz, I., Alexopoulou, T., & Murakami, A. (2021, April). The lack of influence of L1-L2 lexical similarity on L2 lexical diversity. Presented at Manchester Forum in Linguistics, Virtual Conference
  17. Murakami, A. (2021, March). Time-varying predictors and learner-mean centering in modeling the development of individual learners. Presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Virtual Conference
  18. Ellis, N., & Murakami, A. (2019, September). Effects of availability, reliability, and formulaicity on L2 acquisition of English grammatical morphemes in a large learner corpus. Presented at Second Language Research Forum 2019, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
  19. Murakami, A., & Ellis, N. (2019, September). The effects of frequency and contingency on the accuracy of L2 English grammatical morphemes. Presented at Learner Corpus Research 2019, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
  20. Abe, M., Kondo, Y., Kobayashi, Y., Murakami, A., & Fujiwara, Y. (2019, September). A longitudinal study of L2 spoken English: Development of fluency and pronunciation. Presented at Learner Corpus Research 2019, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
  21. Abe, M., Kondo, Y., Kobayashi, Y., Murakami, A., & Fujiwara, Y. (2018, July). Initial findings from a longitudinal learner corpus: A year-long development of L2 speaking performance. Presented at Teaching and Language Corpora, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
  22. Murakami, A., & Alexopoulou, T. (2017, August-September). Quantification and comparison of the magnitude of L1 influence on L2 linguistic complexity and accuracy. Presented at EUROSLA 27, University of Reading, Reading
  23. Alexopoulou, T., Murakami, A., & Tsimpli, I. M. (2017, August-September). Syntactic complexity in L2 English: A comparison between adverbial and complement clauses across L1 backgrounds. Poster-presented at EUROSLA 27, University of Reading, Reading
  24. Michel, M., Murakami, A., Alexopoulou, T., & Meurers, D. (2017, July). Effects of instruction on linguistic complexity: Evidence from a learner corpus. Presented at AILA World Congress, Windsor Barra Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  25. Alexopoulou, T., & Murakami, A. (2017, March-April). L1 effects and notions of complexity and accuracy in L2. Presented at Learner Corpus approaches to Second Language Acquisition, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands. [invited talk]
  26. Kobayashi, Y., & Murakami, A. (2017, March) Variation across L2 speech and writing: A multidimensional study. Presented at Language in Focus – 2017, Kaya Artemis, the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus
  27. Kobayashi, Y., & Murakami, A. (2016, October). Contrastive analysis of L2 speech and writing: A multi-dimensional approach. Presented at Asia-Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference, Beihang University, Beijing, China
  28. Alexopoulou, T., & Murakami, A. (2016, September). Animacy and feature underspecification in L2 English relative clauses. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain 2016, University of York, York
  29. Murakami, A., Michel, M., Alexopoulou, T., & Muerers, D. (2016, August). Analyzing learner language in task contexts: A study case of linguistic complexity and accuracy in EFCAMDAT. Presented at EUROSLA 26, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
  30. Alexopoulou, T., & Murakami, A. (2016, August). Incomplete acquisition of relativisors in L2 English. Presented at EUROSLA 26, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
  31. Murakami, A., & Alexopoulou, T. (2016, August). Longitudinal L2 development of the English article in individual learners. Poster presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Philadelphia, PA
  32. Murakami, A. (2015, September). The L2 developmental patterns of complexity and accuracy, and their varying discriminatory power to distinguish proficiency levels. Presented at Learner Corpus Research 2015, Van der Valk Hotel Cuijk, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
  33. Murakami, A. (2015, July). Competition between accuracy and complexity in the L2 development of the English article system: A learner corpus study. Presented at Corpus Linguistics 2015, Lancaster University, Lancaster
  34. Vajn, D. & Murakami, A. (2015, July). Use of topic models as a means to explore a corpus of academic English. Presented at the pre-conference workshop “Academic corpora: Development, exploration and application” of Corpus Linguistics 2015, Lancaster University, Lancaster
  35. Hunston, S., Murakami, A., Thompson, P., & Vajn, D. (2015, May). Topic modelling in a corpus of academic text. Presented at ICAME 2015, University of Trier, Trier, Germany
  36. Murakami, A. (2015, May). Quantifying and analyzing individual variation in L2 development: The case of English grammatical morphemes. Presented at Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics 2015, International Burch University, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  37. Thompson, P., Hunston, S., Murakami, A., & Vajn, D. (2014, September). Talking over the academic garden fence: A multidimensional perspective on interdisciplinary research discourse. Presented at American Association for Corpus Linguistics 2014, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
  38. Murakami, A., Hunston, S., Thompson, P., & Vajn, D. (2014, September). Writing across disciplines: A multidimensional perspective on interdisciplinary research discourse. Presented at BAAL 2014 Annual Meeting, University of Warwick, Warwick
  39. Thompson, P., Vajn, D., Hunston, S., & Murakami, A. (2014, July). Investigating interdisciplinary research discourse. Presented at Interdisciplinary Conference: Transfusion and Transformation: the Creative Potential of Interdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange, Durham University, Durham
  40. Murakami, A. (2014, March). Dynamic patterns in the L2 accuracy development of English grammatical morphemes. Presented at Asia-Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
  41. Murakami, A. (2013, September). Individual variation and the roles of L1 and proficiency in the longitudinal L2 development of English grammatical morphemes. Presented at Learner Corpus Research 2013, Solstrand Hotel & Bad, Bergen, Norway [slides]
  42. Murakami, A. (2013, August). A dynamic approach to longitudinal development of L2 English grammatical morphemes. Presented at EUROSLA 23, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  43. Murakami, A. (2013, July). Longitudinal development of L2 English grammatical morphemes: A clustering approach. Presented at Corpus Linguistics 2013, Lancaster University, Lancaster
  44. Murakami, A. (2012, October). L1 influence on L2 English article development: A longitudinal learner corpus study. Presented at Second Language Research Forum, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
  45. Murakami, A. (2012, September). Varying effects of L1 across grammatical morphemes: Thinking-for-speaking approach. Presented at EUROSLA 22, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
  46. Murakami, A. (2011, September). Cross-linguistic influence in the explanation of the accuracy of English grammatical morphemes. Presented at Learner Corpus Research 2011, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
  47. Murakami, A. (2011, July) Cross-linguistic influence on the accuracy order of English grammatical morphemes: Insights from a learner corpus. Presented at Corpus Linguistics 2011, ICC, Birmingham
  48. Tono, Y., Nomura, M., Murakami, A., Kaneta, T., & Mochizuki, H. (2009, October). Unsupervised learning of criterial features of L2 acquisition stages using parallel learner corpora. Presented at the American Association for Corpus Linguistics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
  49. 村上明 (2009年8月).コーパスに基づく日本、中国、韓国、台湾の英語教科書比較:多次元分析の個々の次元に焦点を当てて. 関東甲信越英語教育学会. 獨協大学 [Murakami, A. (2009, August). A corpus-based comparision of English textbooks in Japan, China, Korea, and Taiwan: Focusing on individual dimensions of multidimensional analysis. Presented at Kanto-Koshinetsu Association of Teachers of English, Dokyo University, Saitama.]
  50. Murakami, A. (2009, May). A corpus-based study of English textbooks in Japan and Asian countries: Multidimensional approach. Presented at the International Conference on Multi-Development and Application of Language and Linguistics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
  51. 村上明 (2009年4月). 多次元分析による日本とアジア諸国の英語教科書研究. 英語コーパス学会第33回大会. 神戸大学 [Murakami, A. (2009, April). A study on English textbooks in Japan and Asian countries by multidimensional analysis. Presented at Japan Association for English Corpus Studies, Kobe University, Kobe]
  52. 村上明 (2008年12月). コーパスに基づく日本とアジア諸国の英語教科書比較:多次元分析. 第1回 JACETリーディング研究会・英語語彙研究会合同研究大会. 関西学院大学 [Murakami, A. (2008, December). A corpus-based comparison of English textbooks in Japan and Asian countries: Multidimensional analysis. Presented at the first JACET Joint Research Forum on English Vocabulary and Reading, Kwansei Gakuin University, Kobe]

Invited talks (in and before 2018)

  1. Murakami, A. (2018, July). Cross-sectional and longitudinal development of L2 English grammatical morphemes: Insights from a learner corpus. Talk given at Kobe Gakuin University, Japan.
  2. 村上明 (2018年5月). 第二言語習得における第一言語の影響の定量化:言語的複雑さと正確さの分析. Symposium on Automated Scoring (SONAS). 早稲田大学. [Murakami, A. (2018, May). Quantification of L1 influence on L2 acquisition: Analyses of linguistic complexity and accuracy. Talk given at Symposium on Automated Scoring (SONAS) 2018 held at Waseda University, Japan]
  3. Murakami, A. (2018, May). L2 development of linguistic complexity and accuracy: Trade-offs, task effects, and L1 influence. Talk given at Waseda University, Japan
  4. Murakami, A. (2018, April). Systematicity and individuality in the L2 accuracy development of English grammatical morphemes: Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. Talk given at Waseda University, Japan
  5. Murakami, A. (2015, October). Systematicity and individuality in the L2 development of English grammatical morphemes. Talk given at the workshop of the INDUS-Netzwerk held at Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
  6. 村上明 (2014年8月). 学習者コーパスに基づくL2英語文法形態素発達研究: 母語の影響と発達パターンの特定. 東京外国語大学. [Murakami, A. (2014, August). Studies on L2 development of English grammatical morphemes based on learner corpora: Effects of L1 and the identification of developmental patterns. Talk given at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo]

Other research presentations

  1. Murakami, A. (2018, February-March). Quantification of L1 influence on L2 linguistic complexity and accuracy. Presented at the INDUS Meeting Tübingen: At the Interface of Second Language Acquisition and Computational Linguistics, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany.
  2. Murakami, A. (2018, February). Quantification of L1 influence on L2 linguistic complexity and accuracy. Presented at the Workshop Corpus-based Approaches to Language Learning and Language Assessment, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany.
  3. Thompson, P., Murakami, A., & Hunston, S. (2016, February). Getting to know your corpus: applying Topic Modelling to a corpus of research articles. Presented at the Launch Event of the Corpus Statistics Group, University of Birmingham, Birmingham
  4. Murakami, A. (2016, February). Analyzing learner language in task contexts. Presented at the Computational Linguistics Cluster seminar, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
  5. Murakami, A. (2013, May). Individual variation and the roles of L1 and proficiency in the L2 development of English grammatical morphemes. Presented at Natural Language and Information Processing Research Group Seminar, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
  6. Murakami, A. (2013, May). Individual variation in the L2 development of English grammatical morphemes: A learner corpus study. Presented at Looking at Language Acquisition workshop, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
  7. Murakami, A. (2013, February). The longitudinal development of L2 English grammatical morphemes based on EF-Cambridge Open English Learner Database (EFCamDat). Presented at English Profile Research Seminar, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  8. Murakami, A. (2011, November). L1 influence on the L2 acquisition of English grammatical morphemes: In the case of Pass scripts. Presented at English Profile Research Seminar, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
  9. Murakami, A. (2011, March). L1 transfer in the L2 accuracy of English grammatical morphemes. Presented at Language Acquisition and Language Processing Research Cluster Workshop, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
  10. Murakami, A. (2011, February). A CLC-based study on the L1 transfer in the accuracy order of English grammatical morphemes. Presented at English Profile Research Seminar, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
  11. Murakami, A. (2009, March). A multidimensional approach toward English textbook corpora in Asian countries. Presented at the Sino-Japan Postgraduate Forum on English Education Corpora Research, South China Normal University, Guandong

Other talks

  1. 村上明 (2016年10月). コーパスは(第二)言語習得研究に寄与するのか?認知科学研究における大規模言語データの利用. ケンブリッジ日本人会. Postdoc Centre, Cambridge. [Murakami, A. (2013, March). Do corpora contribute to (second) language acquisition research? Using large-scale linguistic data in cognitive science research. Talk given at the Japanese Society in Cambridge, Postdoc Centre, Cambridge]
  2. 村上明 (2013年3月). 英語を学ぶと英語力は伸びるのか?第二言語習得の知見から. 十色会. Graduate Union, Cambridge. [Murakami, A. (2013, March). Does studying English promote English proficiency? A perspective from second language acquisition research. Talk given at the Cambridge University Japanese Interdisciplinary Forum, Graduate Union, Cambridge]


  1. The use of high-performance computing service in my research is showcased in Birmingham Environment for Academic Research: Case studies volume 3 [link]
  2. AntConcの日本語マニュアル。ここからダウンロード可能。[An author of a Japanese manual for AntConc, a concordancing software for corpus linguistics. The manual is downloadable from the developer’s website at]
  3. 投野由紀夫 (2009). エースクラウン英和辞典. 三省堂(執筆協力)[A writing assistant for Tono, Y. (2009). Ace Crown English-Japanese Dictionary. Tokyo: Sanseido]

(last updated: 18 October 2024)